Marshall Tree Farm

Marshall Tree Farm

Grades & Standards, 5th Edition: Now in Effect

The new Florida Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants, 5th Edition, is complete and ready to be downloaded! The manual’s electronic online format allows DPI to insert minor corrections and additions when needed. The last revision was in 1998 – 17 years ago. DPI will convene an ad-hoc working group to review the manual again in five years.  This 5th Edition of the Florida Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants went into effect September 1st, 2015.  FNGLA and many leading members proudly worked with DPI during 2014 and 2015 to update the Grades and Standards. FNGLA salutes DPI for its stewardship in making available this updated and electronic industry bible for Florida’s nursery and landscape businesses!

Download the New 5th Edition